Calderon, RashondraCooper, KelseyVan Sell, Sharon2018-09-102018-09-102017-04This is the publisher’s version of an article that is available at Recommended citation: Calderon, R., Cooper, K., & Sell, S. (2017). Energy: A concept analysis. International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices, 4(1). This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission. Woman's University Libraries Open Access FundThe concept of energy can be very important and somewhat abstract regarding nursing in its entirety. Energy constituted one way to connect with the environment, other individuals, and learning to interconnect those findings within the advanced practitioner nurse (APN) role. The concept of energy was analyzed using the Walker and Avant eight-step methodology to assist APNs to gain a diverse perspective of how energy can be used in practice. The attributes of the concept of energy included aperson, aura, movement, and current. The antecedents provided were God and life. From the perspective of energy, all energy must have come from something greater than human beings. Model cases provided for a unique comparison of what energy is and what energy is not, and how to interpret the concept of energy.en-USWalker and Avant eight-step methodologyAdvanced practitioner nurse (APN) roleComplexity integration nursing theory (CINT)Energy: A concept analysisArticleCC BY 3.0