Hurlbut, Amanda R.2022-10-202022-10-202017This is the published version of a paper that is available at citation: Hurlbut, A. & Tunks, J. (2017). Pre-service teacher knowledge and transfer of mathematics intervention practices. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Retrieved October 20, 2022 from the AERA Online Paper Repository. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission. originally presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. English. Published online 2017. is a current need for research in how pre-service programs prepare future teachers to intervene mathematically with at-risk students. The purpose of this study was to examine elementary pre-service teachers’ transfer of learning about mathematics intervention in relation to an RTI framework. Data sources included focus group interviews with pre-service teachers and document analysis of a required field-based course assignment known as the Mathematics Interactions Project (MIP). Haskell’s transfer theory was used as the framework to analyze the data. Findings indicate that pre-service teachers’ transferred knowledge of mathematics instructional practices including the use of manipualtives, lesson planning, and assessment to a field-based setting. However, only pre-service teachers’ with prior experiences with RTI conceptualized the assignment as RTI in action.en-USMathematics educationQualitative researchTeacher educationPre-servicePre-service teacher knowledge and transfer of mathematics intervention practicesPresentationEach presenter retains copyright on the full-text paper. Repository users should follow legal and ethical practices in their use of repository material; permission to reuse material must be sought from the presenter, who owns copyright.