Joshua, Tasha2018-06-052018-06-055/30/2009 purpose of this study was to determine the effects of perceived social support on selfreported adherence rates of self-care activities among patients in Baylor Healthcare System's outpatient Diabetes Self-Management Education Program (DSME). A convenience sample of 96 patients, ranging in age from 26 to 86 years (M=52.04, SD=12.32), participated in this study, by completing a demographic survey, Social Support Inventory, and Self-Care Inventory. Sixty-one females (63.5%) and 35 males (36.5%) participated in this study, and the average time since diagnosis was 29.53 (SD=70.12) months. Relationships and differences among social support, self-care activities, and demographic variables were examined. Non-Caucasian participants scored higher on total social support and all the kinds of support, however, only the emotional support score was significantly higher than Caucasian participants(t=2.83, p<0.01). Overall self-care (t=2.12, p=0.04), insulin and food regulation (t=2.06, p<0.05) and blood glucose regulation (t=2.15, p<0.05) reached a significance difference among the two ethnicities. Men scored higher on all self-care activities, but the difference was not significant. Social support did not predict adherence to self-care activities, nor did social support have a significant relationship with overall self-care adherence. Network support was a negative predictor of exercise self-care (Beta=-0.63, p<0.05). Caucasian ethnicity was a negative predictor of overall self-care (Beta=0.18, p<0.05) (Table 14) and blood glucose regulation (Beta=-0.24, p<0.05) (Table 15). Total Social Support was found to be a negative predictor of emergency precaution (Beta=-0.26, p<0.05). Having church/synagogues as a source of support was a negative predictor of adhering to the exercise component of self-care (Beta=0.39, p=0.01).en-USEffects of social support on self-care adherence among diabetic patientsThesis