McAlester, Angela2022-05-032022-05-032022 A&M University- CommerceThe principal of a school is the driving force for instructional success as well as academic propelling of students. The leadership the principal provides infiltrates the walls of the school, as well as elevates the staff members to produce their best effort and professional growth. This qualitative research project aims to explore the influence the principalship has on aspiring administrators as they work alongside colleagues. Hoping to delve in closely, this study will highlight the specific areas that draw leaders to higher pursuits of professional growth. The data for this study was collected through interviews, questionnaires, and observations on the job. Other themes surrounding this area of study are centered around the influence, both positive and negative, that are noted by the administrators as they work to assist the principal day-in and day-out. These findings are significant as we trudge forward to promote healthy leadership and a strong pull toward educational success for our schools.en-USEducational LeadershipThe Influence of the Principalship on Principals: A Qualitative Study to Explore the Influence of the Principalship on Aspiring AdministratorsPresentation