Horn, DewaynnaFlanagan, JenniferYoung, Margaret A.2022-09-262022-09-262021This is a promo version of an article that is available at https://www.neilsonjournals.com/JOBE/abstractjobe14flanaganetal.html. Recommended citation: Horn, D., Flanagan, J. L., & Young, M. A. (2021). From the classroom to the boardroom: Team development interventions by faculty in student teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior Education, 14, 163–182. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission.https://hdl.handle.net/11274/14024https://www.neilsonjournals.com/JOBE/abstractjobe14flanaganetal.htmlTeamwork is a part of not only the classroom but also the workplace, and team development and team learning are key components to team success. A student’s meaningful team experience in the classroom informs their ability to later succeed in team environments in a professional setting. This study examines student perceptions of faculty efforts to develop teams and how they impact team cohesion, team interdependence, team conflict, and ultimately team satisfaction. The researchers also analyzed psychological safety as a moderator of team development and offer several tips for instructors to facilitate student teamwork in classrooms.en-USBusinessEducationGroupsProjectsTeamsFrom the classroom to the boardroom: Team development interventions by faculty in student teamsArticleAuthors may post Promo versions of articles on their institutions' repositories and any open online databases for scholarly articles. Authors may not post full text Author final versions, or any other copyrighted full text versions, on open online databases. This is to protect the integrity of our subscribers. TWU is granted a licence to use this version for the institutional repository only. Apart from this licenced copy, none of the material protected by the copyright notice can be reproduced or used in any form either electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any other information recording or retrieval system, without prior written permission from the owner(s) of the copyright. For multiple copy orders and reprint permissions contact the JOBE Publishing Editor, pneilson@neilsonjournals.com. All rights reserved. © 2021 NeilsonJournals Publishing.