Horton, Rhea2017-01-112017-01-1112/31/2015http://hdl.handle.net/11274/8633The researcher aimed to determine whether developing a mentoring relationship, as a form of coping for first-year, first generation college students (FGCS), would assist in reducing college-related stress and improving level of college adjustment. Experiences of first-year FGCS, who self-identify as either having or not having a mentoring relationship, were evaluated. A demographic form created for this study, the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) Social Adjustment section (Baker & Siryk, 1989), the College Student Stress Scale (Feldt, 2008), the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarck, & Mermelstein, 1983), and the College Student Mentoring Scale (Crisp, 2009) were administered through an online survey to assess these factors. One hundred and thirty first-year FGCS matriculating at Texas Woman’s University successfully participated. The sample was comprised of 89% women, 9% men, and 2% who identified as other. A MANCOVA was used to analyze all of the hypotheses on mentoring, college-related stress, and level of college adjustment. Based on the findings, it appears that there is a significant link between higher levels of college adjustment and lower levels of college-related stress among first-year FGCS who were involved in a mentoring relationship. The highly mentored group did not differ on college adjustment and college-related stress when compared to the less mentored group. It appears that mentoring is beneficial for first-year FGCS, but that the degree of mentoring does not have an impact on college adjustment and college-related stress. Implications for theory, research, training, and practice are discussed.en-USAdjustmentCollegeFirst generationStressStudentPsychologyThe impact of a mentoring relationship on college adjustment and college-related stress for first-year, first-generation college studentsDissertation