C. S. Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia: A study of heroes




Allen, Lucy Shea

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All of C. S. Lewis' heroes in the Chronicles of Narnia illustrate various elements of the archetypal pattern of the hero. The first chapter of this thesis explicates the major hero studies of Rank, Raglan, and Campbell. Examples from the Chronicles illustrate that Lewis was very familiar with this heroic pattern in literature and used it readily in his fiction. The second chapter focuses on Campbell's interpretation of the meaning behind the heroic pattern and illustrates how this pattern clearly relates to, as well as enhances, the themes in the Chronicles. The third chapter explores the heroic stature which Lewis himself has achieved among many of his readers and illustrates how his own life reflects the heroic pattern. This thesis concludes with a summary chapter relating the significance of the heroic pattern in Lewis' life and in his Chronicles.



British and Irish literature, Social sciences, Folklore, Language, literature, and linguistics
