Supporting social well-being through resource-oriented music therapy: A content analysis of semi-structured interviews



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Although social well-being has gone relatively unnoticed in the past, researchers and health professionals have become more sensitive to the importance of social well-being. Social well-being is especially important considering the isolation resulting from the worldwide coronavirus pandemic of 2020. The purpose of this content analysis study was to understand the experiences of music therapists who practice from a resource-oriented approach who have experience supporting social well-being with their clients. The researcher conducted and transcribed semi-structured interviews with three resource-oriented music therapists with various clinical experiences. Following a six-phase protocol for thematic analysis presented by Braun and Clarke (2006), the researcher found that three major themes emerged: music as a social connection, using the therapeutic relationship as a model for social well-being, and the role resource-oriented music therapy has in supporting clients’ social well-being. Clinical implications are made for music therapists who want to support social well-being with their clients



Music therapy, Resource-oriented, Social well-being, Interviews, Pandemic

