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Cornered The Women liberation movement vastly addressed issues such as sexuality, reproductive rights, and women’s dress codes; however, it failed to encompass the viewpoints of non-Western, non-white, women. In my Cornered series, I represent similar issues from the perspective of the Iranian women who have been suffering from an Islamic, anti-woman regime since the revolution of 1979. When studying systems of oppression, as Kimberlé Crenshaw (1991) suggests, intersecting identities (i.e., gender, race, and class) and their interconnections need to be considered in close association. Using this deductive methodology in my artwork, I take a critical view of the religious, social, and political injustices that Iranian women in different social classes experience. I use Persian motifs and calligraphy to create an Iranian identity for my works. I aim to raise awareness to Iranian Women’s issues, and give the silenced women – who are suppressed by Iran’s oppressive regime – a voice.
Creative Arts and Research Symposium