Coversations on conversion: Applying Anzaldúa's theory of Nepantla to Rosemary Radford Ruether's call to conversion




Wilson, Dana Gant

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This thesis demonstrates how Gloria Anzaldúa's theory of nepantla may be used to enhance the conversion theology of Christian feminist theologian, Rosemary Radford Ruether. A critical analysis of these theoretical perspectives as they are portrayed in selected works of Ruether and Anzaldúa reveals that particular elements of Anzaldúan nepantla (context, "risking the personal," and use of metaphors) can be valuably applied to Ruether's theology of conversion. The application of elements of nepantla expands Ruether's ideas on conversion more toward a process. This thesis is significant because conversion experiences in an individual may foster the sense of interrelatedness with other people, animals, and the earth itself. Therefore, conversion brings with it the potential for social transformation. Anzaldúa and Ruether are concerned not only with personal conversion, but with the outward behavior that reflects that inner conversion. This thesis is relevant to those interested in social justice, activism, spiritual activism, and ecofeminism.



Philosophy, religion and theology, Social sciences, Womens studies, Spirituality, Gloria Anzaldúa, Rosemary Radford Ruether
