Does time matter when greeting patrons? Observations from a two-year study in Texas public libraries




Becker, Kristen L.

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Taylor & Francis


This article presents a 2-year study on how quickly Texas library staff members greeted a library patron after eye contact. Results from 140 library visits found a mean of nearly 4 min, but a mean of 9 s after removing outliers. The study also calculated the perceived customer value by measuring the service, quality, image, and price of the customer service experience. Findings suggest that each patron/staff interaction may alter a patron’s perceived Return on Investment (ROI). Given libraries are primarily supported by tax dollars, poor patron service experiences may impact the perceived values of library programs and services, jeopardizing future funding. The article highlights the importance for libraries to retain satisfied employees and build trust within their communities.



Customer service, Patron service, Library greeting, Texas, Public libraries, Library value


This is the post-print version of an article that is available at Recommended citation: Becker, K. L. (2024). Does time matter when greeting patrons? Observations from a two-year study in Texas public libraries. Journal of Library Administration, 64(1), 52–65. This item has been deposited in accordance with publisher copyright and licensing terms and with the author’s permission.