Person-environment fit: An investigation of gender and fit in collegiate sport careers




Weatherford, Gwendolyn M.

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Person-environment fit theory describes how individuals fit into their work environments while identifying distinct types of fit and specific predictors and outcomes. The work of Heilman (1983) established a link between gender and fit suggesting that individuals differ in how they fit in their work environments based on their gender, sex-stereotypes, and sex-typing of jobs. The purpose of this empirical study was to determine the influence of gender on fit perceptions while also establishing which fit predictors and outcomes are most important among NCAA administrators and head coaches. This study included participants (N = 788) employed in the positions of athletic director, associate/assistant athletic director, senior woman administrator, and head coaches from all three NCAA divisions and included coaches from all championship sports. The results of this study indicated that collegiate sport professionals are a homogeneous group that perceive themselves to be a neutral fit in their work environment, as opposed to a positive or negative fit. This study was the first step in determining how fit impacts collegiate sport administrators and head coaches and in determining which fit predictors and outcomes are valued most.



Health and environmental sciences, Education, Social sciences, Gender influence, Head coaches, Job satisfaction, Person-environment fit, Sport careers

