Nurses and mHealth App Development [White paper]
Wyatt, Tami H.
Bakker, Caitlin
Breth, Melissa
Carroll, Whende
Gao, Grace
Lee, Mikyoung
Martin, Christie
Tiase, Victoria
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Texas Woman's University
This white paper summarizes two years of work by a group of nurse informaticists who examined how nurses are involved in developing mobile health applications. We set out to understand current mobile health development practices and the roles of nurses. This white paper explains mobile health, how apps are typically developed, how nurses are involved, and why they should be involved. Recommendations are included for nurses who want to help develop mobile apps, project managers of development teams, and healthcare administrators who seek to incorporate mhealth applications into their systems that advance quality care.
Mobile health applications, Health information systems, mHealth development teams
Recommended citation: Wyatt, T.H., Bakker, C, Breth, M., Carroll, W., Gao, G., Lee, M., Martin, M., & Tiase, V. (2024) Nurses and mHealth App Development [White paper].