Criterion validity of selected Wii Fit™ games for balance assessment




Fiaud, Vanessa Licence

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Texas Woman's University


The purpose of this study was to examine the criterion validity of selected Wii Fit™ games for balance assessment. One hundred and eleven participants (nmen = 67, nwomen = 4) completed the testing protocol and were included in the analysis. The protocol included assessment of balance using both the Basic Balance Master ® and Wii Fit™ games using the balance board. The Wii Fit™ games selected included the Center of Balance, the Body of Control-Agility, the Body of Control-Basic Stance, Soccer Heading, and Ski Slalom. The Basic Balance Master® variables included the Weight Bearing Symmetry, Limit of Stability-directional control, Limit of Stability-maximum excursion, Rhythmic Weight Shift-directional control lateral, and Rhythmic Weight Shift-directional control antero-posterior. The data were analyzed using a canonical correlation. The canonical analysis revealed a statistically significant canonical correlation between the two canonical variates (F [25, 376.70] = 10.763, p < .001; Wilks' λ= .135). Tests of dimensionality for the canonical correlation analysis indicated that two of the five canonical functions were statistically significant (α = .05). The first function explained 81.8% of variance within its function and the second function explained 15.9% of the remaining variance. The strongest contributors to the relationship between the canonical variates were the Wii Fit™ Center of balance (r s = .992) and the Balance Master® Weight Bearing Symmetry (rs = .989). In conclusion, the Wii Fit™ Balance Board selected exercises showed excellent criterion validity for measuring balance as compared to the more established Balance Master ®. All selected Wii Fit™ games seemed to provide a rather accurate depiction of balance ability.



Health and environmental sciences, Assessment, Balance, Criterion validity, Video games, Wii

