Female pornographic consumption, rape myth acceptance, and ethnicity: Is there a relationship?




Guzman, Justine

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Research on women as consumers of pornography has generally been sparse. The present study investigated the relationship among female pornographic consumption, rape myth acceptance, and ethnicity. The investigator predicted that there would be a positive relationship between female pornographic consumption and rape myth acceptance; this was partially supported. The second hypothesis predicted that when women of color and their White counterparts consumed equal levels of pornography, women of color would endorse more rape myths; this was not supported. One hundred and fifty female participants were recruited from a local university and online sources and completed a pornographic consumption measure and the revised Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (Kahlor & Eastin, 2011). Data were analyzed with Pearson correlation analyses and an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) statistic. Implications for practice and future research are offered.



Social sciences, Ethnicity, Pornography, Rape myth acceptance
