Analyzing the relationship between attendance in hybrid supplemental instruction and tutoring sessions and success in courses with traditionally high failure rates




Kelley, Allyssa

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Academic assistance programs have been around in some form or another since the mid-1600s, and they have grown and developed just as the demographics of students in tertiary institutions have. The supplemental instruction model is an assistance program that was built as a response to the needs of the shifting student body, and Texas Woman’s University is one of many institutions that have adopted a hybrid supplemental instruction model in an effort to increase student performance in their classes. The purpose of this research was to determine which, if any, factors impact the success of a student in the TWU Supplemental Instruction and Tutoring program using logistic regression analysis to build prediction models for success. The models that were created showed that, contrary to the hypothesis of this study that the number of SIT sessions attended would provide the largest impact, whether a student was determined to be at risk by the standards set by the TWU SIT program and whether the student attended the minimum number of required SIT sessions were the variables most influential on success.



Pure sciences, Logistic regression, Supplemental instruction, Supplemental tutoring

