A rhetoric for professional writing: Global Writing




Gervasi, Anne

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This dissertation extends Walter H. Beale's A Pragmatic Theory of Rhetoric in order to create a pedagogy for professionals who write. Beale devises motivational axes and forms a quadripartite perspective or world view rooted in motive. Global Writing, a rhetoric for professional writing, develops from Beale's theory. Chapter 1 closes the theoretical lacunae left by Beale and extends his theory to envelop the universe of discourse through a root metaphor of the physical world. Chapter 2 presents a fictionalized narrative of the development and teaching of Global Writing at American Airlines. Chapter 3 offers a formal course of study. Chapter 4 mounts the argument for Global Writing as an expert system for people who write. Chapter 5 explains the ludus of this work since the preceding chapters are each written from different Global Writing perspectives: first, the scientific or investigative perspective; then, the poetic or expressive world view; next, the instrumental or instructional scene; finally, the rhetorical or persuasive point of view.



Education, Language, literature, and linguistics, Technical writing, Rhetoric, Writing
