How Student-Teacher Relationships Influence School Climate: A Literature Review




Larson, Amy

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TWU Research Symposium


Student-teacher relationships contribute to the phenomenon of school climate (Fan, Williams, & Corkin, 2011; Lee, 2012; Thapa, Cohen, Guffey, & Higgins-D’Alessandro, 2013). A considerable amount of research has focused on factors having an effect on school climate. This study examines the research literature addressing student-teacher relationships, student perceptions of school climate, and effective teaching styles while identifying how these factors affect school climate. A database search and a hand search were completed to identify and select articles focusing on aspects of student-teacher relationships and how they affect school climate. Findings suggest student perceptions, gender, race, disability, and family risk factors to be influences on student-teacher relationships, in turn, influencing school climate. Implications for educators and future research are also discussed.


An analysis of factors that influence student perceptions of school climate and how the teacher can intervene on those perceptions.


School Climate Teacher Student Relationship


(Larson, 2014)