Music Preference As a Factor of Attractiveness




Parrish, Nicole
Day, Otter

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The aim of this study is to examine the influence of shared music preference on the attractiveness of a person. Participants will contain college students from Texas Woman’s University as well as participants recruited through online platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). Participants will rate five fake profiles of potential romantic partners for attractiveness. Each profile will include a specific music preference in addition to information such as age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religious affiliation, and passions (e.g., reading, cooking, movies). Participants will also complete a short demographics form and indicate their favorite type of music from a list of the most popular music genres. This list includes pop, rap, indie, R&B, and a recent popular music genre, K- pop or Korean popular music. The present study hypothesizes that shared music preferences will lead to higher attractiveness ratings. Implications, future directions, and limitations are discussed. (Faculty Sponsor: Ms. Otter Day)


