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Regaining walking and restoring corticospinal tract excitability after neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: A case report
(Elsevier, 2023) Shih, Hui-Ting; Goh, Hui-Ting; Sikka, Seema; Hamilton, Rita; Swank, Chad
Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is a rare autoimmune disease causing axonal damage with corresponding functional deficits. In this case report, we prospectively tracked walking recovery and corticospinal excitability of a female diagnosed with NMOSD through six months after her inpatient rehabilitation (IPR) stay. She recovered independent walking function in home and community settings. Neurophysiological measures acquired using transcranial magnetic stimulation showed two temporal evolution patterns. There was a remarkably reduced intra-cortical inhibition and increased intra-cortical facilitation at the early recovery phase whereas increased corticospinal pathway excitability was noted at 6 months after IPR discharge.
The Aftermath, 2024
(2024) Jochetz, Charlotte
The intention of this piece is to make the viewer feel the aloneness and detachment from reality, while fighting a losing battle. The enlarged diagram of the pancreas is used to educate the mass with a visual of what it actually looks like and what organs are attached, while simultaneously color coordinating with the patient's hospital gown with where the pancreas is located (behind the stomach). The family is suggested, showing that they are there for the patient, but cannot fully be there with them since they cannot stay overnight past visiting hours, and the patient is alone in the procedures and with treatments. The purple ribbons and the flower bouquets relate to the Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Ribbon color, showing support in their uphill battle. The patient themselves is smaller, as chemo and dietary restrictions take its toll. While working on this, my friend’s young niece was undergoing chemotherapy for her pancreatic cancer, so I was able to talk to a direct family member about the feelings and emotions felt while seeing their family go through the struggle that is pancreatic cancer. Medium: watercolor on paper Format: 11 x 14”
Trends of ethical dilemmas in music therapy in the United States
(World Federation of Music Therapy, 2023) Molloy-Daugherty, Della; Dimaio, Lauren; West, Rebecca
Unfortunately, ethical dilemmas occur in the music therapy profession. While the topic has received some overall attention in the research literature, a gap exists surrounding this topic. It is currently unknown what ethical dilemmas that board certified music therapists in the United States have experienced. It is also unknown if these dilemmas were resolved; and, if so, how that resolution was perceived by the music therapist. It is unknown what ethical dilemmas have arisen in music therapy education settings.
Community music therapy, in concert with you: Partnering with Summerfest Music Festival
(World Federation of Music Therapy, 2023) Engen, Rebecca; DiMaio, Lauren; Nelson, Kirsten
The phenomenological process of partnering a music therapy continuing education experience with a large music festival in June, 2022 is the focus of this paper. Summerfest is held over three consecutive weekends each summer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The festival features more than 800 acts and 1,000 performances on 12 stages (Milwaukee World Festival, 2023b). Another feature of the festival grounds is the Northwestern Mutual Community Park, featuring inclusive playground equipment with interactive musical themes (Milwaukee World Festival, 2023a).
Applying integral thinking to music therapy education
(GAMUT - Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre (NORCE & University of Bergen), 2023) DiMaio, Lauren; Winter, Patricia
Educating music therapy students is a complex task as a result of laws and regulations, professional biases, and a desire to produce students who will be competent and thoughtful music therapists. The purpose, or outcome, of this article is to outline a curriculum re-design implementing Integral Thinking in Music Therapy (ITMT) as applied to the academic and clinical aspects of two university music therapy training programs in the United States. The history and philosophy of ITMT are explained to give context to this approach. An overview of the innovative curriculum design and teaching resources are included for direct implementation of experiences into the classroom. Recommendations include the uses of ITMT in music therapy education as well as possible limitations to this pedagogical approach.